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BCTLA Winter-to-Spring Webinar Series - signup and save the dates

2016 Winter-to-Spring Webinar Series:
"Newsflash: Promoting Your Program"

Signup for the BCTLA Webinar series and grow your program!
February 24, 2016: 4-5 p.m. PST
Marketing with Biblio-tech
Explore some tools and techniques for promoting your program to students and staff. Learn to screencast how-to videos, whip up book reviews (iPad apps), create fun promotional materials with bighugelabs and Superimpose, and redecorate with blockposter.

March 30, 2016: 4-5 p.m. PST
Go, Go, Genrefication!
Do you want to breathe new life into your fiction collection and jumpstart your circ stats? Let's talk about the process and perks of genrefying your reading section!

April 27, 2016: 4-5 p.m. PST
Reporting out with Infographics
Do you do a monthly or yearly report? Is the prospect daunting? Do you want something with more punch than a Word document or a Powerpoint presentation? Take a look at Infographics and create something you can use as a post on your blog, a handout for your parents or a link you can tweet.

May 25, 2016: 4-5 p.m. PST  
Journey to Advocacy
How do you turn around a district's perception of the role of teacher-librarians and the importance of School Library Learning Commons? Listen to the story of how one LSA changed hearts and minds.