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What At-Risk Readers Need (EL) Allington

Can every student read at grade level?

Dr. Richard Allington writes about what kinds of intervention are needed to to help At-Risk Readers:

"The one-third of entering kindergartners who don't know all their letter names are likely to become the one-third of 4th graders reading below the basic level. Therefore, schools should begin by ensuring that these kindergartners participate in additional high-quality reading lessons. We must structure our schools so that what we know on the first day of school no longer predicts the NAEP scores that students will earn five years later.

As part of his discussion, Allington talks about the importance of choice in reading and finding books that hit the 98% accuracy/ 90% comprehension level. In other words, matching the right book to the right reader - this is an area where teacher-librarians can provide tremendous support!

Also Allington on RTI from the IRA podcasts series:
Richard Allington discusses research-supported models for early reading intervention 
podcast | book
